Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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# makefile for DBVGALvv.zip VGA/VESA library by David Boynton
# 25 Jan 92
#change the following line(s) for a different c compiler/librarian/assembler
CC = tcc -A
#TurboC++ v1.01 /ANSI keywords only
LIB = tlib
ASM = tasm /ml
vidlib.zip : readme vidlib.doc vesa.doc videof.lib videof.map\
vidlib.h vesa.h src_c.zip src_asm.zip demos.zip makefile
del vidlib.zip
pkzip -a vidlib.zip readme vidlib.doc vesa.doc videof.lib vidlib.h vesa.h\
videof.map src_c.zip src_asm.zip demos.zip makefile
# vidlib.zip sub-zips
src_c.zip: vidlib.c vidlib4.c vidlib8.c vtext.c vesa.c vesa8.c
del src_c.zip
pkzip -a src_c.zip vidlib.c vidlib4.c vidlib8.c vtext.c vesa.c vesa8.c
src_asm.zip: wdacs.asm memcpyb.asm ldacs.asm palette.asm vgc.asm vsq.asm \
vputs.asm vmo.asm vac.asm vcrtc.asm ega12set.asm l33set.asm \
l40set.asm normal.asm retrace.asm rdacs.asm sdacs.asm
del src_asm.zip
pkzip -a src_asm.zip wdacs.asm memcpyb.asm ldacs.asm palette.asm vgc.asm \
retrace.asm rdacs.asm sdacs.asm
pkzip -a src_asm.zip vsq.asm vputs.asm vmo.asm vac.asm vcrtc.asm \
ega12set.asm l33set.asm l40set.asm normal.asm
demos.zip: testvl.exe vesainfo.exe vgaregs.exe test.exe l33.exe l40.com l28.com
del demos.zip
pkzip -a demos.zip testvl.exe testvl.c vesainfo.exe vesainfo.c vgaregs.c \
vgaregs.exe test.c test.exe
pkzip -a demos.zip l28.asm l28.com l33.asm l33.exe l40.asm l40.com
# demo/test programs
testvl.exe: vidlib.h testvl.c videof.lib
$(CC) -ml testvl.c videof.lib
test.exe: vidlib.h test.c videof.lib
$(CC) -ml test.c videof.lib
vesainfo.exe: vidlib.h vesa.h vesainfo.c videof.lib
$(CC) -ml vesainfo.c videof.lib
vgaregs.exe: vidlib.h vgaregs.c videof.lib
$(CC) -ml vgaregs.c videof.lib
l33.exe: l33.asm
$(ASM) l33
tlink l33 videof.lib
l40.com: l40.asm
$(ASM) l40
tlink l40
exe2bin l40,l40.com
del l40.exe
l28.com: l28.asm
$(ASM) l28
tlink l28
exe2bin l28,l28.com
del l28.exe
# library
videof.lib: vputs.obj wdacs.obj memcpyb.obj ldacs.obj palette.obj vgc.obj \
vsq.obj rdacs.obj sdacs.obj normal.obj vidlib.obj vidlib4.obj vidlib8.obj \
vesa.obj vesa8.obj vtext.obj vcrtc.obj ega12set.obj l33set.obj l40set.obj \
vac.obj vmo.obj retrace.obj videof.map
# library compiles
$(CC) -c -ml $*
$(LIB) videof.lib/c +-$*
$(ASM) $*
$(LIB) videof.lib/c +-$*
# low level components of videof.lib
rdacs.obj: rdacs.asm
sdacs.obj: sdacs.asm
normal.obj: normal.asm
vputs.obj: vputs.asm
wdacs.obj: wdacs.asm
memcpyb.obj: memcpyb.asm
ldacs.obj: ldacs.asm
palette.obj: palette.asm
vgc.obj: vgc.asm
vsq.obj: vsq.asm
vmo.obj: vmo.asm
vac.obj: vac.asm
vcrtc.obj: vcrtc.asm
retrace.obj: retrace.asm
ega12set.obj: ega12set.asm
l33set.obj: l33set.asm
l40set.obj: l40set.asm
$(LIB) videof.lib/c ,videof.map
# Higher level components of videof.lib
vidlib.obj: vidlib.h vidlib.c
vidlib4.obj: vidlib.h vidlib4.c
vidlib8.obj: vidlib.h vidlib8.c
vesa.obj: vidlib.h vesa.h vesa.c
vesa8.obj: vidlib.h vesa.h vesa8.c
vtext.obj: vidlib.h vtext.c